Hover or click on a cover for more information

2021. High fantasy story featuring: castles and dark-winged angels.

2020. Concept cover.

2021. A romance centered around time travel experiments gone awry: I wanted to capture the romantic aspects in the curly font and classic hourglass, while maintaining the aspects of magic and alchemy around it.

2021. A romance between competitive figure skaters. I designed the cover with the flowing motion of the sport in mind, while also working to capture the dreamlike aspect of both whirlwind romance-- and watching figure skaters fly.

2021. Dark royalty adventure, spec cover: with not a lot to go on I tried to highlight the sinister grandeur of the situation: swashes, letters with guilded edges, and yet the texture of the words is rough, and the background is dark. The symbol pointing in opposite directions suggests opposing sides.

2015. Part of a humerous concept art series, "Memes as Serious Literature." The cover is meant to evoke a more standard biography or memoir, causing the viewer to do a double-take.

2021. A tale of superpowers and broken hearts, I had the lightning strike roughly follow the lines of the heart, while a flame grew up from below. Set against a dark and rainy city

2021. 1920s mob inflitration story: I kept the face dark and blurred to go along with her obscured identity, with a nod to the blood at both ends of the story.

2021. A story about flowersand the cosmos

For the Recovering the Classics project. I designed the cover to make it ambiguous whether the legs and shadow represented Lennie or George-- or, perhaps, George's legs and Lennie's shadow, showing either their beginning as companions, or the ending. (2015)

Concept cover. Enemies to lovers win it all? Maybe. Photography by Amy Deyerle-Smith. (2021)

Dark urban fantasy, 2022.

2021. Concept cover

2021. A story about a boy's mother who returns as a ghost: the author wanted to feature a jar of purple flowers, and we also wanted to catch the story's creeping sinister yet etherial mood.

2018. For a compilation of trans reimaginings of fairytales: each letter features an element from one of the stories. Initially the editor and I had been going in a different direction, but I suggested this one last minute and they loved the idea.

2019/2021. A surreal story of a man wandering through time. The early desert scene is interrupted by a reflection of modern London.

2016. For the "Recovering the Classics" series, the colors of the four regions of Oz visited by Dorothy in ths book (Munchkins to the Emerald City to the Winkies then the Quadlings) encroach on an old farm.

2021. Fantasy cover.

Concept cover for a winter romance. Characters moving forward in their lives, together.

2016/2021. A post-apocalyptic Little-Mermaid-esque story, in which the main character loses her ability to speak. The cover incorporates different elements of the story, such as the forest and gold dust, while moving the gold to the throat.